Spatial behavior of gladiolus rust in Jiquipilco, State of Mexico, Mexico

Rosalba Quiñones-Valdez, Jesús Ricardo Sánchez Pale, Alvaro Castañeda-Vildózola, Magaly Cristobal de la Cruz


The northern region of the State of Mexico had been considered a gladiolus rust-free zone. However, in the last cycles, unofficial reports have mentioned the presence of the fungus in this area. Damages that it could cause and its spatial distribution in this zone are unknown. The purpose of this study was to estimate the spatial behavior of gladiolus rust in the municipality of Jiquipilco to elaborate distribution maps. Disease incidence and severity were evaluated during three phenological stages in 121 georeferenced sampling points. Two plots per cycle were evaluated during winter-spring and summer-autumn cycles during the years of 2013 and 2014. Gladiolus rust did not occur during 2013 and the summer-autumn period in 2014. It was detected during the summer-fall cycle of 2014, at spathe stage, with medium severity values ranging 1.4 to 2.5, and percentages of incidences of 30.5 to 69.4%. Spatial behavior of disease severity fitted at spherical model. Results of disease interpolations are presents as maps. 


gladiolus; spatial model; kriging; severity maps

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