Antifungal property of honey on in vitro development of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

Víctor Albores-Flores, Ivana Janet Marín-Saenz, José Alfonso López-García, Adriana Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Julieta Grajales-Conesa


In addition to the high toxicity of chemicals for phytosanitary control of fungal diseases in field conditions, the microorganism causing disease is not completely eliminated. Therefore, products of natural origin, both plant and animal, have generated interest for the control of pests and diseases in plants. Thus this study aimed to evaluate the antifungal activity of honey in the in vitro growth of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Nine samples of honeys were evaluated, corresponding to three bees species: Melipona solani, M. beecheii and Scaptotrigona mexicana. We registered a decreased colony diameter of C. gloeosporioides at higher concentration of honey, with lower 40% growth of the colony compared to the control treatment within 12 days of incubation. In general, growth rate of the fungus colony in the three types of bee honey was in average, 40% lower than the control treatment. Inhibition rate value observed in bee honeys is 70% higher than that obtained with the fungicide Chlorothalonil®.


mycelial growth; Melipona solani; Melipona beecheii; Scaptotrigona Mexicana; Clorotalonil®

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