Gains in recurrent selection cycles for grain yield and resistance to head smut in maize

Gelasino Díaz-Ramírez, Carlos De León-García de Alba, Daniel Nieto-Ángel, Ma. del Carmen Mendoza-Castillo


The basidiomycet Sporisorium reilianum f. sp. zeae infects the maize plant causing important losses in regions with adequate conditions for disease development. In this work, the response to selection of six and five cycles of selection in a white and a yellow endosperm maize populations improved through S1 recurrent selection for desirable agronomic characters, grain yield and resistance to head smut were evaluated. In a separate trial, same cycles were planted to measure progress in disease resistance and to evaluate a new method of inoculation were artificially inoculated. A randomized complete block design with three replications was used for the yield trials and two replications in the inoculated trial. Cycles evaluated in the two populations showed an increase in disease resistance of 0.94 y 1.2% cycle-1, and a genetic gain in grain yield of 272.9 y 620 kg ha-1 cycle-1 for the white and yellow endosperm populations, respectively. Results showed that recurrent S1 selection was efficient in improvement of grain yield and resistance to head smut in both populations.


S1 families; polygenic resistance; genetic resistance; head smut

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