Verbesina sphaerocephala extracts promote the development of Cucumis sativus and reduce the damage caused by Meloidogyne incognita

Ana Paulina Velasco-Ramírez, Gil Virgen-Calleros, Rosalba Mireya Hernández-Herrera, Alejandro Velasco-Ramírez, Myriam Patricia Corona-Cervantes, Diana Maday Munguía-Lizalde, Armando Rafael Hernández-Pérez


One of the main phytosanitary problems are root-knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne. The use of Verbesina sphaerocephala could substitute the use of chemical nematicides. The objective of this research was to test whether aqueous extracts of V. sphaerocephala promote development and reduce the damage caused by M. incognita in Cucumis sativus. Seven treatments were evaluated in C. sativus plants grown in pots under greenhouse conditions: control plants without nematodes, plants with nematodes, with nematodes + carbofuran, with nematodes + Trichoderma, with nematodes + extract of V. sphaerocephala (concentration at 10, 15 and 20%). Three evaluations were carried out to estimate plant height, stem diameter, chlorophyll concentration, number of leaves and flowers, length and weight of roots, galling index, root eggs and larvae in the soil. The results showed that the extracts of V. sphaerocephala at 10 and 15% promoted the growth of the plants and decreased the root galling indices and the number of larvae of M. incognita in the soil. The extracts of V. sphaerocephala can be a biological potential to minimize problems caused by M. incognita.


root-knot nematode; growth biostimulant; botanical extracts; capitaneja

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