Characterization and fungicides sensitivity of Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates causing avocado root rot in Zitácuaro, Michoacán

Alejandra Mondragón-Flores, Patricia Manosalva, Salvador Ochoa-Ascencio, Marlene Díaz-Celaya, Gerardo Rodríguez-Alvarado, Sylvia P. Fernández-Pavía


Phytophthora cinnamomi is the pathogen most frequently associated with avocado root rot. In Zitácuaro, Michoacán, production has increased by 19.8%; however, there are no studies of root rot in this area. The objective of the study was to characterize the isolates obtained from avocado roots and assess the sensitivity to fungicides. Samples from 5 avocado orchards were collected, sampling 5 trees per orchard (a total of 25 samples). The samples isolated were characterized morphological and molecularly. Mating type was analyzed using reference isolates of P. cinnamomi A1 (isolate from camelia) and A2 (isolate from avocado). To confirm the pathogenicity, tests were performed on avocado fruits with the isolates. The sensitivity of 15 isolates to potassium phosphite and to metalaxyl-M at different concentrations was evaluated in vitro. In a subgroup of six isolates, it was evaluated whether there was a relationship between growth rate and potassium phosphite sensitivity. Fifteen isolates were obtained with coenocytic coraloid mycelium, chlamydospores, sporangia without papilla, ovoid to ellipsoid, with internal proliferation, heterothallic with mating type A2, with amphigynous antheridia and plerotic oospores, characteristics consistent with P. cinnamomi. The inoculated isolates were pathogenic on avocado fruits. The isolates were more sensitive to potassium phosphite than to metalaxyl-M, with mean EC50 values of 24.62 and 0.215 ?g mL-1 of i.a., respectively. No relationship was observed between growth rate and potassium phosphite sensitivity. It is necessary to obtain a greater number of P. cinnamomi isolates for virulence studies.


sensitivity; mating type; mycelial growth; wilt

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