Incidence of monkey´s hand in maize germplasm from different locations in Mexico

José Jesús Márquez-Diego, Carlos De León-García de Alba, Reyna Isabel Rojas-Martínez, J. Concepción Rodríguez-Maciel, Cristián Nava-Díaz


The incidence of maize monkey´s hand disease was determined in nine states of the Mexican Republic. The evaluation sites were georeferenced, and incidence was estimated along with the farmers to determinate the identity of the germplasm used. Monkey´s hand was found affecting maize plants in localities of the States of Puebla with an incidence of 24%, Hidalgo (17.05%), Morelos (11.7%), Chiapas (7.28%), Tlaxcala (7.0%), Oaxaca (6.5%), Veracruz (6.3%), Mexico (6.2%), and Jalisco (3.0%). Data showed a low but positive correlation (r= 0.30) between altitude and incidence. Native germplasm is more susceptible to the monkey´s hand disease than improved germplasm. 


monkey’s hand; maize diseases; bouquet ears

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