Spatial and temporal distribution of ojo de gallo, (Mycena citricolor) in coffee plantations of the State of Mexico

Esther Pino-Miranda, José Francisco Ramírez-Dávila, Rodolfo Serrato-Cuevas, Jaime Mejía-Carranza, Atenas Tapia-Rodríguez


The eye of the rooster (Mycena citriciolor) is a disease in the coffee crop that can be more severe during the rainy season due to the favorable conditions that occur during this period. The objective of the study was to determine the spatial distribution and population density of M. citricolor in coffee cultivation in the State of Mexico and thus understand the epidemiological process of the disease. The research was carried out in the municipality of Amatepec, State of Mexico. The samplings were carried out fortnightly from September 2020 to February 2021; selecting six plots and 200 coffee trees (Coffe arabica) Typica and Caturra varieties, randomly per plot, these were marked and georeferenced. Methods were used to obtain the spatial distribution of the rooster’s eye, showing different adjustments of geostatistical models such as Gaussian, spherical and exponential, these were validated with the cross-validation method, showing an aggregate distribution. The estimation of the area infected by M. citricolor was obtained using ordinary kriging, revealing the presence of foci of infection within the plots, finding a relationship between density and climatic conditions (temperature, humidity and dew point). A high degree of spatial dependence was also obtained in all samples, indicating a strong correlation between the data. It is concluded that geostatistics is an effective tool to study and forecast this type of disease and give a clearer idea of the epidemiological process of the disease.


Mycena citricolor; Spatial distribution; Epidemiology

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