Climate, fruiting and frosty pod rot influence the epidemic intensity of Phytophthora capsici in cacao plantations in Mexico

Magdiel Torres-de la Cruz, Gustavo Mora-Aguilera, Carlos F. Ortiz-García, José Á. Gaspar-Génico, Manuel Pérez-de la Cruz, Nitzarindany Acencio-Castillo


In Mexico, Theobroma cacao is affected by the black pod rot (BPR) caused by Phytophthora capsici. Currently, an epidemiological study of this disease is lacking. The objective was to determine the influence of climate, fruit set and the incidence of cacao frosty pod rot (Moniliophthora roreri) on the epidemic intensity of BPR in five locations in southeastern Mexico. The temporal structure of BPR epidemics was analyzed and the correlation of absolute change of BPR incidence with temperature, relative humidity (RH), precipitation, and fruiting flows was studied. The possible competition between P. capcisi and M. roreri was also analyzed correlatively. The epidemics had a duration of 15 to 25 weeks restricted to September - February with 6 to 24% final incidence (Yf). The curves were best fitted to the Gompertz model (r = 0.059 - 0.123, R2 0.97 - 0.99) with an exponential phase in October corresponding with the highest rainfall. BPR was positively associated with RH greater than 90%, precipitation, temperature periods lower than 19.9, and 20 - 26.9 °C, and with fruiting intensity. P. capcisi had less parasitic fitness than M. roreri, which induced earlier epidemics, with greater duration and intensity. The characterization of BPR as a polycyclic epidemic justifies management strategies aimed at reducing the secondary inoculum.


Black pod rot; Teobroma cacao; cacao frosty pod rot; Gompertz


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