Mixture of clove (Sysygium aromaticum) and garlic (Allium sativum) alcoholic extracts in the control of black Sigatoka in ?Macho? plantain

María de Lourdes Adriano-Anaya, Sandra Matías-Castillo, Benjamín Moreno-Castillo, Alfredo Vázquez-Ovando, Miguel Salvador-Figueroa


The incidence and severity of the Black Sigatoka (BS) was assessed in plantain plants “Macho” variety, sprayed with a mixture of alcoholic extracts of clove (36 µgclove mL-1) and garlic (150 µggarlic mL-1) under field conditions. Three treatments were evaluated: foliar application every 7 days (T1), every 14 days (T2) and without extracts or control (T3). Initially, the experimental plants were 3 months-old and the experiment concluded 238 days later. Every 14 days the incidence and severity of BS, the total number of leaves, the youngest leaf without symptoms and the time to flowering were measured. In relation to the plants of T3, the weighted average incidence and severity of BS were lower by 20.5 and 25.3% for T1 and 11.4 and 22.6% for T2, respectively. The average of total leaves was, 9.3, 8.8 and 8.5 and the youngest leaf with disease symptoms were 7.2, 6.4 and 5.6 for T1, T2 and T3, respectively. The days to flowering after the beginning of the experiment were 140 for T1 and 182 for T2. The results show the potential of using the alcoholic extracts of garlic and clove as an alternative for the control of the BS.


Pseudocercospora fijiensis; incidence; severity; plant extracts


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18781/R.MEX.FIT.2207-3


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