In vitro evaluation of extracts from the Lilium genus to control Fusarium oxysporum

Anygim Senyase Iturbide-Zuñiga, María Teresa Beryl Colinas-León, Héctor Lozoya-Saldaña, Sergio Alejandro Medina-Moreno, Juan Ayala-Arreola


The effect of antifungal plant extracts of bulbs of Lilium hybrid L/A "Indian summer" were evaluated on Fusarium oxysporum, which is considered a pathogenic fungus that causes serious damage to agriculture and economic losses to various sectors of industry. The crude extract was fractionated into three sub-extracts according to their polarity (polar, moderately polar and non-polar), and then subject to bioassays of inhibition being potato-dextrose-agar (PDA) the control. The moderately polar extract showed the highest inhibition, decreasing the growth rate by 27% compared to the mycelial growth in the control. However, when it was compared to plant extracts reported under similar conditions, it was discarded as a growth inhibitor and considered as fungistatic.


fungicide; fungistatic; phenols

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