Vasconcellea cauliflora resistance to Papaya ringspot potyvirus (PRSV-P) and its introgression in Carica papaya

Daniela Ordaz-Pérez, Josué Gámez-Vázquez, Jesús Hernández-Ruiz, Edgar Espinosa-Trujillo, Patricia Rivas-Valencia, Ivonne Castro-Montes


Papaya is a crop of major economic importance, but it is threatened by the presence of viral diseases that are mainly transmitted by vector insects. Although conventional pest control practices seem to keep out the spread of the virus, it is not enough to avoid production loses. There are some molecular tools from genetic engineering to obtain disease resistant plants with potential to solve the problem. This review is an information compilation about the problem caused by virus with more impact on papaya production: Papaya ringspot potyvirus (PRSV-P) and Papaya mosaic virus (PapMV), their genetic variability and some strategies used to develop disease resistant hybrids resulting from the recombination between Vasconcellea genus and Carica papaya commercial varieties. 


intergeneric hybrids; viruses; genetic improvement

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