Wood preservatives and microbial exudates with antagonistic activity against biological agents

Vanessa Ruby García-Ortiz, Gabriela Benítez-Rocha, Mauro Martínez-Pacheco, Crisanto Velázquez-Becerra


Wood of low durability is susceptible of deterioration by xylophages and its protection is a technological goal not reached that generates economic and material losses. Alternatives to avoid the use of toxic preservative conventional and contaminating can be established by knowledge of the bacterial microecosystem in the wood. The protection of this material is possible to obtain it with bacteria and its exudates. The purpose of this research is to highlight that the biodeterioration of low durability wood is avoidable by means of microbiological strategies relevant for the control of xylophages’ fungi. The observation is that bacteria of the genera Arthrobacter, Bacillus and Pseudomonas and their exudates are potentially protective agents that exhibit different mechanisms of action such as antagonism, parasitism and the production of exudates containing molecules with effect: antimicrobial, chelator (siderophores) that inhibit enzymes or functions and volatile compounds (dimethylhexadecylamine). Knowledge of this microbial ecosystem will facilitate the construction of an alternative to the use of conventional wood preservatives and constitutes an area of opportunity. It is evident the absence of knowledge of antagonistic bacteria of the xylophages, the management of the production and composition of their exudates and their application, thus manifesting an unexplored field in the biotechnology of the preservation of wood.


xylophages fungi; lignin; wood; preservation; durability

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